Ok...so people that read this are probably going to get sick of how much I say I am in disbelief...but I cant help it. Everytime I see Anna I am in disbelief. She is just so amazing.
This week she really started responding to William and I when we talk to her. She loves to be talked to and shows it by smiling. Sometimes I think she is already trying to talk back and is imitating what we do with our mouth. I have noticed that alot of times when I make the o shape with my mouth (when saying a word)...she will make the o shape with her mouth. So...Im going to be the proud Momma and say she is trying to imitate me. She has also started to make more noises when you talk to her. Most of the time she just grunts but it is so adorable.
She loves to "practice standing", this is one of her fav games to play. She will straighten her legs out and lock them. If you stand her up she will stay standing...of course you have to hold her for balance and she will often bend over at the waist but she seems to have such strong little legs and likes to use them.
Another game she likes to play is hiding her pacifer. She will take it out and somehow it ends up underneath her. Once she has it under her she will make a noise (usually it sounds like the start of a cry but she doesnt cry)... So I will go get her pacifer out from under her and put it back in her mouth...5 minutes later samething...
last week she broke out with "newborn rash"...it made me so sad because it looks painful. throughout the week it got worse so I took her to the doctor on Monday. they gave her a little bit of medicine. Now it comes and goes but seems to be getting better.
she is such a good baby. William and I are so lucky!
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year
Merry Christmas!
Here is a quick synopsis of our year:
HOME AND WORK: This time last year, Mark was half way through his second
year teaching 10th gr...
10 years ago