Man...I am seriously failing in my goal to write once a week for Anna's blog. I feel horrible. This was suppose to be my way of recording her moments for her to read later and...well lately I havent been able to make the time. Recently I got a promotion at my work. Well not really a promotion essentially i was put into a position of greater responsibilty. The bad thing is right now I am doing my old job and my new job. So not only is it jsut the added work load of the new responsibilities its that plus my old workload. Soon I hope I wont be doing my old job much and once that happens I will have a little more time. Anna and I have been getting home so late. Normally I will go pick her up from daycare at 5 and take her back to work until about 7-8. By the time we get home we spend most of the time getting Anna ready for the evening and getting everything ready for the next day. In the limited time that we have together I have opted to spend it interacting with her instead of getting on the computer.
Anna has had an exciting few weeks. Around week 37 she learned the word duck. I am not sure how she picked this up except that she has a duck she plays with a bath time. Only thing...everything she picks up for a while was "duck"! It was cute because it was like she was asking "duck?" and I would say "" or "no block",etc.
In week 37 Anna had her first big experience with snow. We got about 5 inches. I was so excited that I was going to get to use her snowsuit. So I rushed to put her in it and take pictures. Well poor Anna was a little sleepy and didnt do to well sitting up. She kept falling on her back or own her side. She didnt have a problem falling these ways but when she fell on her face....she looked so pitiful. I had to run her into the house and wipe the snow off and she was still crying. It didnt take long for her to get over it but we didnt venture back out.
Anna also got a bad rash on her face this week. I think it was from being at someone elses house. She was laying and crawling on a blanket. I guess she isnt ready for big people laundry detergent.
In week 38 Anna and I had our first experience rushing to an emergency room. Anna woke up with a temp of off we went. It all started the night before when she had a 103 temp. I gave her some tylenol and called the doctor. The doctor said to wait an hour and see if her temp went down and call her back. It went down to 99 so the doctor said not to worry just to monitor it and if it hit 104 go immediately to the emergency room. Or if it was 101 or higher and wasnt responding to tylenol. Well we ran to the emergency room where they gave her motrin. She wasnt showing any other symptons of being sick and her temp dropped to 100 so they sent her home. But said that if it went back up to 104 to bring her back because that is the temp that babies start seizing at. Luckily it never went back that high. It would get as high as 102 but would drop once i gave her motrin or tylenol. This only lasted a couple days. I am convinced she had a tooth trying to break thru and that is what caused the temp.
In week 39 Anna learned "uh oh!" It was the cutest thing she would say "uh oh", then I would say spaghetti oh" and she would say "uh oh". She loved this game. This Nana and Poppop Durrette came to visit. Anna got to spend all day and night with them (she slept in their arms). Anna also went on her first big road trip to North Carolina from Kansas with Nana and Poppop. They tell me she did really good. I am so glad that she got to visit all the family in North Carolina!
Anna is eating more and more big people food. She loves pancakes and bread!
I really miss my baby and cant wait till tomorrow afternoon when I pick her and Nana up at the airport. I have been like a lost puppy dog the past few days with out her....
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year
Merry Christmas!
Here is a quick synopsis of our year:
HOME AND WORK: This time last year, Mark was half way through his second
year teaching 10th gr...
10 years ago
She's a little Alisha! Your parents must be heaven.
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