Oh...my little baby girl is the sweetest little thing. She loves to try to share...see she loves to chew on her fingers. She will chew, chew, chew...all the while babling on happily...if your lucky enough while your holding her she will look up at you and the next thing you know she is pushing her fingers to your mouth. How sweet is it that something she so enjoys she wants to share. If you take her fingers in your hand and pretend to stick them in your mouth and make the chewing sounds...she screams with giddiness. Its the cutest little thing. She will also share another of her most prized possessions...her binkie. If she is laying down and you bend over to talk to her, she sometimes takes her binkie out and pushes it towards your mouth. Such a little sweetie, so kind. (or could she be trying to place these things in my mouth to get me to stop talking...NAH...)
I often watch Anna in the morning as she sleeps. Just laying there so peaceful so angelic. I love the smile she has on her face. But I love even more as she wakes up and looks around... the big smile she gets on her face as she sees me. Oh how it makes my day. What a precious and sweet way to start your day...I thank God everymorning that I am blessed with seeing that sweet little smile.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sharing and Smiles
Posted by The Shoemate's at 4:09 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
14 weeks
We didnt get to stay at the beach long this weekend...after Anna got out of the water she started to cry...ALOT. She did not want to stay any longer. There have only been a very few times she has cried like that. Turns out she was just tired because the minute we took off in the car she stopped crying. (i tried uploading a video of her in the water...but it didnt work :+( )
Anna is getting a little better at putting her binkie in her mouth. However, I saw this and thought it was too cute. Notice how she put it in upside down. She slept like this for an hour. I guess she was too tired to care that it was in wrong or maybe she was just happy it was in her mouth. When I started to take pictures she woke up...I guess she was surprised that I was taking a picture.
We finally broke down and bought another running stroller...we broke the last one. The break liked to fall down on its own and the squeaking wheel not only drove us crazy but I am sure woke people up as we ran by their houses. Anna loves her new stroller the shade pulls down further so I dont have to put a sheet up and she can actually see outside as I run. She also sleeps alot longer in this one...probally because she doesnt have the squeaking wheel to wake her. Anna got to spend some one-on-one time with Daddy this past weekend because Mommy had to work. I think she loves spending time with Daddy because he feeds her everytime she gets fussy...and the fact that she loves to watch football with Daddy.
Posted by The Shoemate's at 4:07 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
13 weeks
Oh...I forgot to mention that in Anna has or is trying to pick up another skill. Starting at about week 11 she started to try to hold her bottle. I was so amazed especially since she doesnt get bottle fed much. She is such a smart baby!
This past week was a very chill week. We really didnt do too much but stay at home, read some books, looked at flash cards and sang some songs. I found out that when Anna starts to get a little grumpy for no reason all I got to do is sing ABC's and she gets quite. Out of all the songs I sing to her it seems like she pays the most attention to the ABC song.
Oh yea...I caught Anna substituting her thumb for her binkie...
and while I think its so cute...I immediately took her thumb out of her mouth (ok not immediately, I had to take pictures first) and replaced it with her binkie. Some may wonder why I did this, I have long been told its harder to break the thumbsucking habit then the binkie habit. From personal experience (a family member who was a thumbsucker) I know thumbsucking is real hard to break plus its not good for their teeth.
My little Anna has started to break out in a rash again. I feel so bad for her. It looks so painful. Right now its a little bit on the right side of her face but mostly under her chin and on her upper chest. Hopefully it goes away soon...its starting to look really dry even though I put lotion on it...I just hope its not painful. You know...I think it is due to allergies. It started to flare up after this past weekend when it rained a ton. My allergies always act up when it rains...hopefully her body is building tolerance now so when she gets older she wont have bad allergies.
Posted by The Shoemate's at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
week 11 and 12
I have been a bad Mommy. My goal was to write on this blog every week for Anna...as you can tell I have missed a couple weeks. My computers internet stopped working and when I would try to load pictures on Williams computer it would often take so long that the pictures wouldnt load. Well...I finally figured out how to load them faster. I also had a hard time getting to this website...but now we are back. These past couple weeks have been pretty busy. Anna continues to amaze us. She is "talking" more and more everyday. I think she likes the sound of her voice...every once in awhile she lets a little scream escape.
We bought her a little walker that she loves. She will sit in it reaching for one little toy in particular, trying her hardest to make it spin (its a little ball like toy that has beads in it and rattles when it spins). It so adorable to see the concentration on her face. She also loves to play with her little blue horse toy. Her little legs are about 5 inches from the floor but she will smile like crazy if you push her around the house in the walker.
Anna continues to love the beach. We recently put her feet in the water for the first time...i think she was a little perplexed as she just stared down at her feet the whole time. We bought her a little hat and sunglasses so she could "style" at he beach...I think she likes them...yeah...i know she will get me back later for that picture. One day when Daddy was getting Anna dressed for the beach, she showed her excitement by getting really excited when she saw her bathing suit...she doesnt get that excited for her other clothes.
Anna has also started to enjoy tummy time a lot more. She will lay on er tummy for about 5 minutes before she gets cranky. She really likes laying her back and kicking her feet...future soccer player?
She is now sleeping from about 9ish to 530ish...wakes up eats and goes back to sleep until around 7ish...such a good baby. Oh she loves bath time! We give her a bath before bedtime and she loves the water. I think she spends the whole time seeing how much of the water she can kick out of her tub onto Daddy...she is going to be a mess when she gets bigger!
Posted by The Shoemate's at 12:33 AM 1 comments