Ohhhhh what a busy week we have had. On Oct 2 Anna officially turned 4 months!!!! Whooohooo happy 1/3 birthday! We celebrated by letting Anna try cereal for the first time....very milky baby cereal...and the results...SHE LOVED IT! She grabbed at the spoon and would pull it to her mouth. She ate the cereal so well. Only a little bit "slipped" out of her mouth but when that happened she would shove her fist up to her mouth like she was trying to push the cereal back in. It was so cute...then all of a sudden she started to cry. When I held her I could tell she wanted milk...I think she was scared she wasnt gonna get the milk anymore so she cried. Once she started to drink her milk she was happy again. We only tried the cereal once because she kinda had a little rash the next day...not sure if it was from the cereal or just her little random rash popping up again..So we decided to wait until the rash went completely away. I dont think she was allergic to it but better safe than sorry.
This weekend Anna got to spend time with a babysitter. Melissa did great with Anna...and from what Im told Anna did great too. She said she didnt cry or get fussy unless she was hungry or needed her diaper changed. Im proud of Anna because everytime I picked her up she was wearing the same clothes...which means she didnt have one of her infamous blowouts. Leaving your baby with someone new is rough. I was nervous. I trusted Melissa but its still a little rough just cause you miss her so much...you wonder what she is doing...how she is doing...you wonder if she misses you. Sadly I dont think she much missed me. But I would rather she did like she did than cry all day. It does make you feel good to know your baby is happy and well taken care of.
Anna is doing great with sleeping at night. She has gotten away (knock on wood) from the 4- 4:30 feeding. She now sleeps until about 6:30. We get up at 6:30 eat, get dressed and go running. She loves her new stroller. I think she really like the fact that she can see more. Although she still like to take a cat nap during the run. Im so paranoid...that everymorning I douse her with sunscreen to make sure she doesnt get burnt. She has such fair skin, I dont think I would forgive myself if she got burnt.
Anna is still as vocal as can be. She loves to scream and "talk" most of the time she is awake. I love "talking" with her. She seems to really enjoy the interaction and will scream louder if she doesnt think she is being paid the proper attention.
We are excited for this weekend. Daddy will have a four day weekend...and we are planning on soaking up some beach time.
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year
Merry Christmas!
Here is a quick synopsis of our year:
HOME AND WORK: This time last year, Mark was half way through his second
year teaching 10th gr...
10 years ago
I love you so much!!! You are the cutest mom...I love reading your blog!!!! I'm so jealous that Anna is sleeping so well. Dallin has had a slew of ear infections and struggles with getting new teeth that he's only slept through the night like 5 times in his life...and that might be pushin it...even though it's in the middle of the night, I enjoy that time I have with him...just him and I...no big brothers to bother him...I love it!!! Anyways, enjoy your awesome weekend!!!!
I'm so happy that you are a consistent blogger. I feel like I there to see all the baby developmental milestones. I love her cute eyes, little nose and mouth. I know I say that often, but i really do. Nancy is coming up mid november and my mom is coming this weekend. I'm so excited! I was going to ask you, do you find yourself looking for symptoms in your daughter because of your education and work experience? Symptoms such as to some neurological disorder. I hate that I do that. It doesnt help that I'm pregnant and emotional. I keep telling Mark maybe our baby has this or that. Anyhow just throwing it out there.
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