We had so much fun this past weekend. Daddy had a four day weekend (friday-monday) off and we went to the beach everymorning. The first three mornings we went to White Sands beach and Anna and Daddy watched Mommy attempt to surf. Mommy did pretty good each day she caught 3 good waves and was only in the water about 30 minutes each day. Anna loved the beached. One day after surfing we took Anna over to Iroquios Point beach. We were hoping the water would be calmer so Anna could play in it. It was a little bit calmer. Anna seemed to really like when the water would come up and hit her. She would watch the ocean as if she was waiting. When she got bored she reached down and grabbed a handful of sand. Luckily she didnt put it in her mouth! I think she would have but at that moment the water came up and hit her and she dropped the sand. She didnt squeal her happy sound but she didnt cry...so I think she enjoyed it...but was wondering what everything was. On Monday we went to the North Shore to watch the big waves. This time Anna spent the whole time in Mommy's lap kicking the sand. I think she liked the way it felt on her feet because everytime I tried to scoot her out of the sand she wiggled her way back into it.
Anna has continued to find her voice. Her new favorite activity...screaming! It would probably be annoying to someone if we were out at a restaruant or something but I think its hilarious. I just laugh at her. Its not an upset scream or anything like that its more just a scream to her herself...and boy does Anna love her own voice!
We have started putting Anna in her crib...which is hard for Mommy. I liked having her close. I liked being able to her breathe or feel her movements. So...the crib is right next to the bed. I am doing ok with it. I really like it when she has her binkie because I can her her sucking on it. I often find myself waking up when I dont hear it...most of the time its because she has let it fall out of her mouth. Anna is doing good with sleeping in her crib. We still have her sleep on the little mat so she cant roll over. She likes to "talk" herself to sleep...often "talking" Mommy and Daddy to sleep too! She loves to hug and pet her pink hippo as she falls asleep. Its so adorable to look in the crib, hear her "talking", see her eyes slowly closing and her hugging and petting the hippo. I take the hippo out of her crib once she falls asleep just because I am a nervous Mommy.
Anna has started a new habit....MIDNIGHT snacking! Not so fun for Mommy and Daddy. She wakes up anywhere between 1-3 hungry. So I get up feed her and she falls right back to sleep and normally doesnt wake until about 6:30. Its not bad. Honestly I kind of like it because I know she is ok
I love Anna's hair...the curls continue to pop up out of nowhere.
Anna is starting to really enjoy tummy time! She also likes laying on her back and playing. She is still working on the rolling over...She however has another talent. Somehow she turns her body and her feet end up where her head was and her head where her feet were.
Anna also loves her flash cards. She loves to take them from Mommy...look at it for a bit and then see how it taste! She gets so excited when she sees her flash cards. She really pays attention to what is on the card, its so cute to see the concentration on her face as I say the word and she looks at the card.
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year
Merry Christmas!
Here is a quick synopsis of our year:
HOME AND WORK: This time last year, Mark was half way through his second
year teaching 10th gr...
10 years ago
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