Anna is such a smart baby. I already see that she is going to be so much smarter than me. She loves her books. Another thing I noticed this week was when she was looking at a book she would see a cat, point to it and say cat. If we closed the book she would reopen it and look for the page with the cat. She also knows where our foster cat hangs out and will look for whenever we go upstairs.
Anna is starting to stand on her own. She cant just stand up but once she pulls herself up using support she can let go and stand there for up to ten seconds. Then she falls on her bottom. She hasnt tried to take a step...but she hasnt tried to take a step when I am holding her hands either. I cant imagine her walking she is going to be a mess to stay up with. Its hard keeping up with her now...I can only imagine.
Anna also loves to be flipped....and I have noticed that she seems to be trying to do it own her own. See sometimes I will pick her up and flip her over and have her land on her feet. I have noticed that when she is sitting she will put her head on the ground and rock like she is trying to tumble/flip!!!! Scary!
This week I think Anna is going thru a growth spurt she is eating so much! She has even woke up during the night a few nights wanting a bottle every two to three hours. Oh Anna loves peas, seafood gumbo and scallops! She is soooooo adorable when she eats something she likes she will say "mmmmmmmmm!" I will admit she says it alot! She is not a picky eater by far!
We are excited. Daddy comes to visit this week! We cant wait to see him!
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year
Merry Christmas!
Here is a quick synopsis of our year:
HOME AND WORK: This time last year, Mark was half way through his second
year teaching 10th gr...
10 years ago
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