Anna turned 7 weeks this past Monday! WOW!
She continues to be such a calm peaceful baby. She does fight sleep but the only time she will fight sleep is in the early evening. She will cry and try her hardest to keep her sweet little eyes open. I think this is because this is around the time that Daddy comes home and she knows it. I think she is afraid she is going to miss seeing him if she falls asleep. There isnt really any other time that she fights going to sleep at least not to the point where she will cry.
This is an eventful week. On Monday we went to my work and she got to meet more of my coworkers. Then yesterday we went out to eat lunch with Nancy and Karen came over to visit us in the evening. I could tell that by seeing Anna, it made Nancy miss her neice even more than she already does. Anna did great with both Nancy and Karen. She started to get a little upset both times but didnt really cry at all. She especially loved it when Nancy held her and when Karen walked her around (yea she is spoiled but oh well your only a baby once!)
Today Daddy left to go see Anna's stepsister Kimberly and today Pop Pop (my daddy, Anna's granddad) is coming to visit. I am so excited for him to meet her. She is smiling so much now and is trying so hard to communicate. Normally about three times a day she will start cooing and if you talk to her she will coo even more. Its the cutest and sweetest little noise!
She has also officially found her hand. She loves to try to stick her whole fist in her mouth. Even though she can get the whole thing in there she will suck at it like its the a cherry flavored lollipop...i laugh so much when she does this.
Everyday she smiles more and more in response to mine and Williams voices. And she still loves to see her reflection in the mirror in the car. You can see the amazement in her eyes when she first sees herself...she must be thinking who is that beautiful baby!
i love the pictures of her sleeping at top. she looks like an angel...maybe because she is one! i love how she sleeps with her arms out its so adorable. and look at that coy little smile...i see trouble!
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year
Merry Christmas!
Here is a quick synopsis of our year:
HOME AND WORK: This time last year, Mark was half way through his second
year teaching 10th gr...
10 years ago
She looks like a Durrette! So crazy! kisses ang hugs!
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